A Description of Counselling and Psychotherapy
COSCA's Description of Counselling and Psychotherapy; the difference between counselling and psychotherapy; differentiating counselling and psychotherapy from other activities.
The effectiveness of counselling - COSCA's review and commentary.
COSCA Core Competencies for Counselling
This document gives the Core Competencies for Counselling developed by the COSCA Diploma Trainers/Providers Forum.
Information on counselling and homelessness. A case study of a young homeless man.
COSCA listing of Forums for Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Scotland
This resource, compiled by COSCA, is to enable counsellors and psychotherapists to be able to access a forum in their local area, if they so wish.
COSCA's Client Network - Application to Join and take part in survey
This document gives information on COSCA's client network with an application form to join and information on how to take part in the survey which we hope will help our services and those of our members to be shaped by and for the people who use them rather than only by the professionals who deliver them.
How can counselling services be made accessible to deaf and deafblind clients?
Making Reasonable Adjustments for Students with Mental Health Problems
This is a Scottish Association for Mental Health publication on making reasonable adjustments for students with mental health problems.
Making Safer Choices Leaflet - when choosing a Counsellor
Developed as part of COSCA's Recognition Scheme for Organisations, this leaflet covers things to think about when choosing a counsellor, psychotherapist or counselling agency. Guidelines on what to consider and useful questions to ask.
Making Safer Choices Poster - when choosing a counsellor
Developed as part of COSCA's Recognition Scheme for Organisations, this poster covers things to think about when choosing a counsellor, psychotherapist of counselling agency. Guidelines on what to consider and useful questions to ask. You can request a copy(ies) of this Poster by enquiring to COSCA.
Opening the Door to Counselling in Scotland - a COSCA publication on access to counselling services
This COSCA publication - Opening the Door to Counselling in Scotland - provides information on counselling and who can benefit from it, how to access counselling services in Scotland and the role of COSCA (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Scotland) as Scotland’s professional body for counselling and psychotherapy.
Resources for counsellors on counselling dyslexic adults
This is a comprehensive resource for counsellors on counselling dyslexic adults.
Steps to Deal with Stress booklet - The Scottish Government - stressing less guide
The Scottish Government's guide to stressing less and enjoying life more.
Video for Clients - Getting the Most out of Therapy - Dr Mark Widdowson
Getting the Most Out of Therapy is a video produced by Dr Mark Widdowson which may assist those in therapy or seeking therapy. Dr Widdowson was Guest Speaker at the COSCA Annual General Meeting in 2016. COSCA does not endorse or accept responsibility for the content of the information supplied by others.
A Guide to Counselling Muslim Clients
This is a guide on counselling Muslim clients. Written by Refana Saleem, an experienced counsellor, supervision and trainer, the guide provides a basic understanding of Islam and the wider cultural issues which Muslims face.