A Directory of Counselling Supervisors who are COSCA Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist members
A directory of Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist Members of COSCA who are Counselling Supervisors and who have given their permission for their details to be published on the COSCA website.
Application for Listing on the Directory of Supervisors
All COSCA accredited members are eligible to be listed on the Directory of Supervisors which is available on the COSCA website. Please complete this form and return it to COSCA.
Counselling Supervision Agreements: Points from COSCA for Organisations to Consider
This COSCA document gives guidelines for Organisations to consider when preparing Counselling Supervision Agreements.
Counsellor/Psychotherapist Supervision Requirements
The COSCA requirements for supervision of counselling practice varies depending on the level of training and experience. Please download for the range of requirements.